Apuntes de cátedra y bibliografía crítica 2021

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Asimismo todos los textos se consiguen en fotocopiadora o en su librería amiga.

BIBLIOGRAFIA OBLIGATORIA -Apuntes, dossiers y traducciones de cátedra

Hernández Gutiérrez - Colonialismo interno en la narrativa chicana (Prólogo y Capítulo I )


Nathaniel Hawthorne - Calle Mayor y Relato de la Bomba de Agua del Pueblo
Literatura estadounidense contemporánea. Perspectivas multiculturales

Carbone - Movimiento por los Derechos Civiles de los Afronorteamericanos
Alarcón - Enfoque: Pensamientos sobre la historia y cultura del hispano-chicano
Chanady - La hibridez como significación imaginaria
Barraza - El estado de los estudios de la frontera: zonas fronterizas y otras geografías
Raymund Paredes - Enseñando Literatura Chicana Una Aproximación Histórica

Sobre Toni Morrison y Beloved
Plan espiritual de Aztlán
Howard Phillips Lovecraft - Textos ensayísticos (Algunas notas sobre algo que no existe; Notas sobre los escritos de literatura fantástica; Algunas notas sobre ficción interplanetaria)
Artículos sobre la obra de Lovecraft
Poe - Ensayos y El Cuervo
Matelo, Gabriel - El azar y la mentira en Poe, Hammet, Auster
Matelo, Gabriel - Edgar Allan Poe y el estilo verosímil o plausible
Matelo, Gabriel - Edgar Allan Poe y su modelo de producción literaria
Young, P., Ernest Hemingway, Cap I y II
dos Santos, "La prosa experimental de Ambrose Bierce"
- Baxter Mistri, Z. “Diecisiete sílabas: Un haiku simbólico” (en inglés)  

Glosarios recomendados de términos categoriales
Williams, Raymond Palabras Clave. Un vocabulario de la cultura y la sociedad. Buenos Aires.Ediciones Nueva Visión. 2000.
Amícola, José y José Luis de Diego (directores) La teoría literaria hoy: Conceptos, enfoques, debates. La Plata. Ediciones Al Margen y UNLP. 2008.

Bibliografía sobre canon literario y mainstream literario

Baym, Nina. “Concepts of the Romance in Hawthorne’s America” En: Nina Baym Feminism & American Literary History. Rutgers University press. New Brunswick, New Jersey. 1992.
Bell, Michael. “Arts of Deception: Hawthorne, ‘Romance,’ and The Scarlet Letter” En: Colacurcio Michael J. (ed.) New Essays on The Scarlet Letter. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1985.
Bercovitch, Sacvan & MYRA Jehlen. Ideology and Classic American Literature. Cambridge University Press, 1986., etc.
Chase, Richard. The American Novel and Its Tradition, New York, Doubleday, 1957
Ellis, William. The Theory of the American Romance. An Ideology in American Intellectual History. U.M.I. Research Press. Ann Arbor. 1989.
Fiedler, Leslie. Love and Death in American Novel. Stein and Day, 1966.
————— “The Dream of the New”. En: Madden David. American Dreams, American Nightmares. Carbondale. Southern Illinois University Press, 1970.
————— & Houston Baker English Literature: Opening Up the Canon Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press, 1981.
Guillory, John Cultural Capital. The Problem of Literary Canon Formation. The University of Chicago Press, 1993.
Jones, Howard Mumford. The Theory of American Literature. Cornell University Press, 1948.
Lauter, Paul “History and the Canon” Social Text 12 (Fall 1985).
––––––––––––– “Canons and Contexts, New York: Oxford University Press, 1991.
—————––– “The Literatures of America. A Comparative Discipline.” En Ruoff, A. LaVonne Brown, Ed.; Ward, Jerry W., Jr., Ed. Redefining American Literary History. New York, Modern Language Association, 1990.
Litz, A. Walton “Literary Criticism” En Hoffman, Daniel (ed.) Harvard Guide to Contemporary American Writing. Cambridge, Harvard University Pres, 1979.
Matthiessen, F.O. American Renaissance. Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman. New York and London, Oxford University Press, 1941.
Porte, Joel. The Romance in America: Studies in Cooper, Poe Hawthorne, Melville, and James. Middletown, Conn.: Wesleyan University Press, 1969.
Smith, Henry Nash. Democracy and the Novel. Popular Resistance to Classic American Writers. Oxford University Press. Oxford, 1978.
—————— Virgin Land. The American West as Symbol and Myth. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., (1950) 1970.
Trilling, Lionel 1947, “Manners, Morals, and the Novel” En The Liberal Imagination. 
Scribner’s, New York, 1950.

Bibliografía General
En castellano
AA.VV. La industria de la cultura. Comunicación 2. Madrid, Alberto Corazón Editor, 1969.
AA.VV. Lo verosímil. Buenos Aires, Ed. Tiempo Contemporáneo, 1968.
Allen, Walter. El sueño norteamericano a través de su literatura. Pleamar, Buenos Aires, 1969.
Beard, Charles A., Mary R. and William. Historia de los Estados Unidos. Buenos Aires, Tipográfica Editora Argentina, 1962.
Boorstin, Daniel J. Compendio histórico de los Estados Unidos. Un recorrido por sus documentos fundamentales. México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1997.
Chase, Richard. La novela norteamericana. Buenos Aires, 1958.
Chenetier, Marc. Más allá de la sospecha: La nueva ficción americana desde 1960 hasta nuestros días. Madrid, Visor, 1997.
Colombo, Eduardo. El imaginario social. Buenos Aires, Altamira, 1993.
Crunden, Robert M. Introducción a la historia de la cultura norteamericana. El Áncora Editores, Bogotá, 1990.
Eble, Kenneth. F. Scott Fitzgerald. Buenos Aires, Pleamar, 1963.
Engelhadt, Tom. El fin de la cultura de la victoria. Estados Unidos, la guerra fría y el desencanto de una generación. Barcelona, Paidós, 1995.
Feidelson, Charles. El Simbolismo y la Literatura Norteamericana. Buenos Aires, Nova, 1976.
Howard, Leon. La literatura y la tradición norteamericana. México, Editorial Novaro, 1964.
Jones, Howard Mumford. Teoría de la Literatura Norteamericana. Buenos Aires, Bibliográfica Omega, 1968.
Klinkowitz, Jerome. Evolución de la narrativa norteamericana. Buenos Aires, Ediciones Marymar, 1983.
Lawrence, David H. Estudios sobre literatura clásica norteamericana. Emecé, Buenos Aires, 1946.
Luedtke, Luther S. (ed.) La Creación de los Estados Unidos. La sociedad y la cultura de los Estados Unidos. Servicio Cultural e Informativo de los Estados Unidos, Washington, DC, 1991.
Tocqueville, Alexis de. La democracia en América. (1835) México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1987.
Van Doren, Carl. La novela norteamericana 1789-1939. Sudamericana, Buenos Aires, 1942
Spiller, Robert E. (ed.) Tiempo de cosecha. La literatura norteamericana: 1910-1960. Editorial Nova, Buenos Aires, 1962.
Spiller, Robert E. Historia de la Literatura Norteamericana. Ediciones La Reja, Buenos Aires, 1957.
Zabel, Morton Dauwen. Historia de la literatura norteamericana. Losada, Buenos Aires, 1950.
En inglés
Bercovitch, Sacvab & Jehlen, Myra. Ideology and Classic American Literature. Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Bhabha, Homi K. (ed) Nation and Narration. London and New York, Routledge, 1990.
Botting, Fred Gothic Routledge, London and New York, 1996.
Bradbury, Malcolm. Modernism London, Penguin, 1986
Brooks, Peter. The Melodramatic Imagination. Yale, New Haven, 1976.
Ellis, William. The Theory of the American Romance. An Ideology in American Intellectual History. U.M.I. Research Press, 1989.
Fieldler, Leslie. Love and Death in the American Novel. New York. Criterion Books. 1960.
Gans, Herbert J. Popular Culture & High Culture. New York, Basic Books, 1999.
Geismar, Maxwell David American Moderns: From Rebellion To Conformity. New York: Hill and Wang.
Hoffman, Daniel (ed.) Harvard Guide to Contemporary American Writing. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1979.
Karl, Frederick Robert American Fictions, 1940-1980: A Comprehensive History And Critical Evaluation. New York: Harper & Row, 1983.
Levin, Harry. The Power of Blackness: Hawthorne, Poe, Melville. (1958) Athens, Ohio University Press, 1980
Lewis, R.W.B. The American Adam. Innocence Tragedy and Tradition in the Nineteenth Century. Phoenix Books. The University of Chicago Press. Chicago 1964.
Madden, David. (ed.) American Dreams, American Nightmares. Carbondale and Edwardsville, Southern Illinois University Press, 1970.
Marx, Leo. The Machine in the Garden. Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in America. Oxford University Press, New York, 1964.
Matthiessen, F.O. American Renaissance. Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman. New York and London, Oxford University Press, 1941.
Mogen, David, Busby, Mark, and Bryant, Paul. The Frontier Experience and the American Dream. Essays on American Literature. Texas A & M University Press. 1989.
Runyon, Randolph Paul. Reading Raymond Carver. Syracuse University Press, 1993.
Saltzman, Arthur M. Understanding Raymond Carver. University of South Carolina Press, 1988
Smith, Henry Nash. Democracy and the Novel. Popular Resistance to Classic American Writers. Oxford University Press. Oxford, 1978.
Smith, Henry Nash. Virgin Land. The American West as Symbol and Myth. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., (1950) 1970.
Sundquist, Eric J. (ed.) American Realism. New Essays. Yhe John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1982.
Tanner, Tony. City Of Words: American Fiction:1950-1970. New York: Harper & Row, 1971.
Tanner, Tony. Scenes of Nature, Signs of Men. Cambridge University Press, 1987.
Wagner-Martin, Linda. The Modern American Novel 1914-1945. A Critical History. Boston, Twayne Publishers, 1990.
Miller, Douglas. The Birth of Modern America 1820-1850. Indianapolis, Bobbs–Merrill Educational Publishing, 1980.

b) Bibliografía sobre Policial
Baker, Robert A. & Nietzel, Michael T., Private Eyes: One Hundres an One Knights. A Survey of American Detective Fiction 1922-1984, BGSU Popular Press, 1985
Bennett, Donna, “The Detective Novel: Towards a Definition of Genre”, en PTL. Journal for Descriptive Poetics and Theory of Literature, nº 4, 1979.
Bennett, Tony, ed., Popular Fiction (Routledge, 1990)
Boileau–Narcejac, La novela policial, Buenos Aires, Paidós, 1968.
Browne, Ray B., Heroes and Humanities: Detective Fiction and Culture. 
BGSU Popular Press, 1986
Caillois, Roger, “La novela policial”, en Sociología de la novela, Buenos Aires, Sur, 1942.
Chandler, Raymond. Chandler por sí mismo, Madrid, Debate, 1990.
Chandler, Raymond. El simple arte de escribir. Cartas y ensayos escogidos. Buenos Aires, Emecé, 2002.
Chesterton, G.K., “Sobre las novelas policiales”, en Obras completas, Barcelona, Plaza y Janés, 1961.
Collins, Max A. & Traylor, James L., One Lonely Knight: Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer, BGSU Popular Press, 1984
Docherty, Brian, ed., American Crime Fiction: Studies in the Genre (Macmillan, 1988).
Eco, Umberto and Thomas A. Sebeok. The Sign of Three: Dupin, Holmes, Peirce. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988
Jameson, Fredric, “On Raymond Chandler”, en Most, G., y Stowe, W., The Poetics of Murder: Detective Fiction and Literary Theory, San Diego, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983.
Link, Daniel. El juego de los cautos. La literatura policial: de Poe al caso Giubileo. Buenos Aires, La Marca Editora, 1992.
Lowndes, Robert, “The Contributions of Edgar Allan Poe”, en Nevins, Francis, The Mystery Writer's Art, Bowling Green University Press, 1970.
Macdonald, Ross, “The Writer as Detective Hero”, en Nevins, Francis, The mystery writer's art, Bowling Green University Press, 1970.
Marcus, Steven, ‘Dashiell Hammett and the Continental Op,’ Partisan Review, XLI, III (1974), 362-77; in Marcus, Representations: Essays on Literature and Society (Random House, [1975]), 311-31. PN 511
Marling, William. Hard-Boiled Fiction. Case Western Reserve University. Updated 2 August 2001.
Messent, Peter, ed., Criminal Proceedings: The Contemporary American Crime Novel (Pluto, 1997)
Nevins, Francis M. (ed.) The Mystery Writer’s Art. Bowling Green, Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1970.
Palmer, Jerry, Potboilers New York, Routledge, 1991
Panek, Leroy Lad, Probable Cause: Crime Fiction in America BGSU Popular Press, 1990
Todorov, Tzvetan., “Typologie du roman policier”, en Poétique de la prose, Paris, Du Seuil, 1966.
Todorov, Tzvetan, ‘The Typology of Detective Fiction,’ The Poetics of Prose (Cornell, 1977)
Wilt, David, Hardboiled in Hollywood: Five Black Mask Writers and the Movies BGSU Popular Press, 1991
Wolfe, Peter, Beams Falling: The Arte of Dashiell Hammet BGSU Popular Press,1980
Wolfe, Peter, Something More than Night: The Case of Raymond Chandler BGSU Popular Press, 1985
c) Bibliografía sobre Ciencia Ficción
En castellano
AA.VV. La mejor ciencia ficción de los años 60. Buenos Aires, Dronte, 1975.
Asimov, Isaak. Sobre la Ciencia Ficción. Sudamericana, Buenos Aires, 1981.
Capanna, Pablo. “El mito de la sopa primordial” Péndulo (# 13), Buenos Aires, Ediciones de la Urraca, Noviembre, 1986.
——————– “La nariz de Cleopatra y el teniente Bonaparte.” Péndulo (# 12), Buenos Aires, Ediciones de la Urraca, Octubre, 1986.
——————– El señor de la tarde. Conjeturas en torno a Cordwainer Smith. Buenos Aires, Sudamericana, 1984.
David Ketterer. Apocalipsis, Utopía, Ciencia Ficción. La imaginación Apocalíptica, la Ciencia Ficción y la Literatura Norteamericana. 
Ediciones Las Paralelas. Buenos Aires, 1976 (New Worlds for Old. Anchor Books Edition: 1974).
Haraway, Donna J. Ciencia, cyborgs y mujeres. La reinvención de la naturaleza. Madrid, Ediciones Cátedra, 1991.
Link, Daniel (comp.) Escalera al cielo. Utopía y ciencia ficción. 
Buenos Aires, La Marca, editora, 1994.
En inglés
Aldiss, Brian W. Billion Year Spree: The True History of Science Fiction. New York, Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1973.
Alkon, Paul K., 1994. Science Fiction Before 1900: Imagination Discovers Technology. New York, Twayne Publishers.
Allen, Dick (ed), Science Fiction: The Future. Harcourt Brace Jovanovitch, Inc. New York.1971. ‘Introduction’ and ‘Part 3: Theory’
Ashley, Mike., 1974 The History of the Science Fiction Magazine. Volume I: 1926–1935. Chicage, H. Regnery Co., 1976.
Ashley, Mike., 1975 The History of the Science Fiction Magazine. Volume 2: 1936–1945. Chicago, H. Regnery Co., 1976.
Bailey, Kenneth V., 1987. “Aliens for the Alienated” [Slusser, G. E.; Greenland, C & Rabkin, E. S., 1987. Storm Warnings: Science Fiction Confronts the Future. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.]
Benford, Gregory “Real Science, Imaginary Worlds” [Hartwell, David G. and Cramer, Kathryn (eds.) The Ascent of Wonder. The Evolution of hard sf. New York, A Tom Doherty Associates Book, 1994. pp. 15–23.]
Cramer, Kathryn. “On Science and Science Fiction” [Hartwell, David G. and Cramer, Kathryn (eds.) The Ascent of Wonder. The Evolution of Hard SF. New York, A Tom Doherty Associates Book, 1994. pp. 24–29.]
Dean, John, 1982. “The Uses of Wilderness in American Science Fiction.” [Science Fiction Studies # 26 Volume 9, part 1, March 1982.]
Delaney, Samuel R., 1991. “Reading Modern American Science Fiction”. American Writing Today Edited by Richard Kostelanetz. Whiston Troy, N.Y.
Ellis, R.J. & Garnett, R. (eds), 1990. Science Fiction Roots: Contemporary Critical Approaches. New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1990.
Featherstone, Mike and Burrows, Roger. Cyberspace Cyberbodies Cyberpunk. Cultures of Technological Embodiment. London, SAGE Publications, 1995
Franklin, H. Bruce. “America as Science Fiction: 1939.” [Science Fiction Studies # 26 Volume 9, Part 1, March 1982.]
————————— Future Perfect. American Science Fiction of the Nineteenth Century—An Anthology. (1966) New Brunswick, New Jersey, Rutgers University Press, 1995.
Freedman, Carl. Critical Theory and Science Fiction. Hanover, Wesleyan University Press, 2000.
Greenberg, M.H.; Olander, J; and Pohl, Frederick (eds) Science Fiction of the 40’s. Avon Books, New York., 1978. Introduction by Pohl, Frederick
—————————— Science Fiction of the 50’s. Avon Books, New York., 1979. Preface by Frederick Pohl
——————————Science Fiction of the 40’s. Avon Books, New York., 1978. Preface by Frederick Pohl.
——————————Science Fiction of the 50’s. Avon Books, New York., 1979.
Hartwell, David G. “Hard Science Fiction” [Hartwell, David G. and Cramer, Kathryn (eds.) The Ascent of Wonder. The Evolution of Hard sf. New York, A Tom Doherty Associates Book, 1994. pp. 30–40.]
James, Edward. Science Fiction in the 20TH Century. New York, Oxford University Press, 1994.
Joshi, S.T. “Topical References in Lovecraft” [Extrapolation, Fall 1984, Vol 25 Nº 3]
Knight, Damon (ed.), 1975. Science Fiction of the 30’s. Avon Books, New York. Introduction to Part I. “The Early Years”.
Le Guin, Ursula & Atterbey, Brian. The Norton Book of Science Fiction. North American Science Fiction, 1960–1990. New York, Norton & Co., 1993.
Lovecraft, Howard Phillips. Supernatural Horror in Literature. New York, Dover Publications, Inc. 1973.
McConnell, Frank, 1987. “Boring Dates: Reflections on the Apocalypse Game.” [Slusser, G. E.; Greenland, C & Rabkin, E. S., 1987. Storm Warnings: Science Fiction Confronts the Future. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.]
Millhauser, Milton, 1973. “Dr. Newton and Mr. Hyde: Scientists in Fiction from Swift to Stevenson.” Nineteen–Century Fiction. December 1973, Vol 23 Nº 3 University Of California Press.
Milstead et all., 1974. Introduction to Milstead, Martin; Greenberg, Harry; Olander, Joseph D. and Warrick, Patricia (eds). Sociology through Science Fiction. St. Martin’s Press. New York.
——————, 1975. [Milstead, J. W.; Greenberg, M. H.; Olander, J.; Warrick, P.(eds)] Social Problems Through Science Fiction. St. Martin’s Press, New York.
Mumford, Lewis, 1964. “Progress as ‘Science Fiction’” [Mumford, Lewis. The Myth of the Machine. Volume 2: The Pentagon of Power. Harcourt, Brace Jovanovitch, Inc., New York. 1964, 1970.
Parrinder, Patrick (ed.), 1979 Science-Fiction. A Critical Guide. New York, Longman.
———————, 1990. “Scientists in Science Fiction: Enlightenment and After.” [Ellis, R.J. and Garnett, R. (eds), 1990. Science Fiction Roots: Contemporary Critical Approaches. New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1990.]
——————— Science-Fiction. Its Criticism and Teaching. Methuen, London and New York, 1980.
Porush, David, 1985. The Soft Machine: Cybernetic Fiction. New York, Methuen.
Rabkin, E., Greenberg, M. H., Olander, J. D. (eds.), 1983. No Place Else: Explorations in Utopian and Dystopian Fiction. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Rabkin, Eric S. The Fantastic In Literature. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 1976.
Scholes, R. and Rabkin, E. S., 1977. Science Fiction: History, Science, Vision. New York, Oxford University Press.
Scholes, Robert. Structural Fabulation. An Essay on Fiction of the Future. University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame & London, 1975.
Shippey, T. A. “The Cold War in Science Fiction, 1940-1960”. En: Parrinder, Patrick (ed.) Science Fiction. A Critical Guide. Longman, London, 1979.
Siegel, Mark. “Toward an Aesthetics of Science Fiction Television” Extrapolation, Vol 25 Nº 1 Spring 1984. Kent State University Press.
Slusser, G. E., 1987 “Storm Warnings and Dead Zones: Imagination and the Future.” [Slusser, G. E.; Greenland, C & Rabkin, E. S. (eds.), 1987. Storm Warnings: Science Fiction Confronts the Future. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.]
Slusser, G. E.; Greenland, C & Rabkin, E. S., 1987. Storm Warnings: Science Fiction Confronts the Future. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Slusser, G., Rabkin, E. & Scholes, R. (eds), 1982. Bridges to Fantasy. Carbondale, Southern Illinois University Press.
Slusser, George E. and Rabkin, Eric S. (eds), 1987. Aliens: The Anthropology of Science Fiction. Southern Illinois University Press.
Stockwell, Peter, 1991. “Language, Knowledge, and the Stylistics of Science Fiction.” [Shaw, P. & Stockwell, P. (eds). Subjectivity and Literature from the Romantics to the Present Day. London & New York, Pinter Publishers.
Suvin, Darko, 1982. “Narrative Logic, Ideological Domination, and the Range of Science Fiction: A Hypothesis with a Historical Test.” [Science Fiction Studies # 26 Volume 9, part 1, March 1982.]
Warren, Bill. Keep Watching the Skies!. American Science Fiction Movies of the Fifties. Jefferson and London: McFarland, 1982.
d) Bibliografía sobre Tradición Afroamericana

Carbone Valeria Lourdes “Shall they overcome?... Ayer y hoy del Moderno. Movimiento por los DerechosCiviles de los Afronorteamericanos en los Estados Unidos. Antíteses, Ahead of Print do vol. 1, n. 2, jul.-dez. de 2008
Furman, Jay. Toni Morrison’s Fiction . University of South Carolina Press. Columbia, South Carolina, 1996.
Pérez-Torres, Rafael “Knitting And Knotting The Narrative Thread—Beloved As Postmodern Novel”
Peterson, Nancy J. Toni Morrison: Critical and Theoretical Approaches. Baltimore. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1997. Contiene:
Christian, Barbara T. “Layered Rhythms: Virginia Woolf and Toni Morrison”
McKee, Patricia “Spacing and Placing Experience in Toni Morrison's Sula”
Ryan, Judylyn S. “Contested Visions/Double-Vision in Tar Baby”
Perez-Torres, Rafael “Knitting and Knotting the Narrative Thread—Beloved as Postmodern Novel”
DeKoven, Marianne “Postmodernism and Post-Utopian Desire in Toni Morrison and E. L. Doctorow”
Dwight, A. “Me Bride Speaking the Unspeakable: On Toni Morrison, African American Intellectuals and the Uses of Essentialist Rhetoric”
Moreland, Richard C. “He Wants To Put His Story Next To Hers”: Putting Twain’s Story Morrison’s Beloved
Schwartz, Larry “Toni Morrison and William Faulkner: The Necessity of a Great American Novelist”
Smith Valerie “Circling the Subject”: History and Narrative in Beloved”
Moreland Richard C. "He wants to put his story next to hers": Putting Twain's Story Next to Hers in Morrison's Beloved
Woidat Caroline M. “Talking Back to Schoolteacher: Morrison's Confrontation with Hawthorne in Beloved”
Peterson Nancy J "Say make me, remake me": Toni Morrison and the Reconstruction of African-American History
Phelan James “Toward a Rhetorical Reader-Response Criticism: The Difficult, the Stubborn, and the Ending of Beloved”
Rodrigues Eusebio L.”Experiencing Jazz”
Morrison Toni “Nobel Lecture 1993”
e) Bibliografía sobre Tradición Chicana
Hernández-Gutiérrez, Manuel de Jesús. El colonialismo interno en la narrativa chicana; el Barrio, el Antibarrio y el exterior. Tempe, Arizona. Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe, 1994.
Frazer, Timothy C “Chicano English and Spanish Interference in the Midwestern United States” American Speech, Vol. 71, No. 1 (Spring, 1996), pp. 72-85 Duke University Press.
Pérez-Torres, Rafael. “Chicano Ethnicity, Cultural Hybridity, and the Mestizo Voice” American Literature, Vol. 70, No. 1 (Mar., 1998), pp. 153-176 Duke University Press
Márquez, Antonio. “The American Dream in the Chicano Novel” Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, Vol. 37, No. 1/2 (1983), pp. 4-19 Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association.
Aparicio, Frances R. “On Multiculturalism and Privilege: A Latina Perspective” American Quarterly, Vol. 46, No. 4 (Dec., 1994), pp. 575-588 The Johns Hopkins University Press
Paredes, Raymund A. “The Evolution of Chicano Literature” MELUS, Vol. 5, No. 2, Interfaces (Summer, 1978), pp. 71-110 The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS)
Lattin, Vernon E. Contemporary Chicano Fiction: A Critical Survey. Binghamton, New York. Bilingual Press/Editorial Bilingüe, 1986. Contiene los siguientes artículos:
SALDIVAR, RAMÓN, “A Dialectic of Difference: Toward a Theory of the Chicano Novel”
ARMAS, JOSÉ. “Chicano Writing: The New México Narrative”
LEWIS, MARVIN A. “The Urban Experience in Selected Chicano Fiction”
GRAJEDA, RALPH F. “Tomás Rivera's Appropriation of the Chicano Past”
RODRÍGUEZ, ALFONSO. “Time As a Structural Device in Tomás Rivera's ". . . y no se lo tragó la tierra"”
RODRÍGUEZ, JUAN “The Problematic in Tomás Rivera's ". . . and the earth did not part"”
RASCÓN, FRANCISCA. “La caracterización de los personajes femeninos en "... y no se lo tragó la tierra"”
Saldívar, Ramón “Chicano Literature and Ideology: Prospectus for the '80s” MELUS, Vol. 8, No. 2, Ethnic Literature and Cultural Nationalism (Summer, 1981), pp. 35-39 Published by: The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS)
Morales, Candance. “’Our own voice’: The Necessity of Chicano Literature in Mainstream Curriculum” Multicultural Education 9 nº2 Winter 2001
Alarcón Justo S. “La búsqueda de la identidad en la literatura chicana: Tres textos” Biblioteca Virtual Cervantes. 
O'Connell, Patrick “El diablo en Texas: un discurso chicano frente a una lectura posmoderna” 2001 California State University, Sacramento. 
Mullen Harryette "A Silence between Us like a Language": The Untranslatability of Experience in Sandra Cisneros's Woman Hollering Creek MELUS, Vol. 21, No. 2, Varieties of Ethnic Criticism (Summer, 1996), pp. 3-20 The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS)
Karafilis, Maria “Crossing the Borders of Genre: Revisions of the "Bildungsroman" in Sandra Cisneros's "The House on Mango Street" and Jamaica Kincaid's "Annie John"” The Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Vol. 31, No. 2 (Winter, 1998), pp. 63-78 Midwest Modern Language Association
Doyle, Jacqueline “More Room of Her Own: Sandra Cisneros's The House on Mango Street” MELUS, Vol. 19, No. 4, Ethnic Women Writers VI (Winter, 1994), pp. 5-35 The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS)
Ganz, Robin “Sandra Cisneros: Border Crossings and beyond” MELUS, Vol. 19, No. 1, Varieties of Ethnic Criticism (Spring, 1994), pp. 19-29 Published by: The Society for the Study of the Multi-Ethnic Literature of the United States (MELUS)
Brady, Mary Pat “The Contrapuntal Geographies of Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories” American Literature, Vol. 71, No. 1 (Mar., 1999), pp. 117-150 Duke University Press
Saldívar-Hull, Sonia “Women Hollering Transfronteriza Feminisms” Cultural Studies, 13:2, 251 – 262. Routledge.
Wyatt, Jean “On Not Being La Malinche: Border Negotiations of Gender in Sandra Cisneros's "Never Marry a Mexican" and "Woman Hollering Creek" Tulsa Studies in Women's Literature, Vol. 14, No. 2. (Autumn, 1995), pp. 243-271.
Doyle, Jacqueline. “Woman Hollering Creek-Haunting The Borderlands” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, Vol 16, Nº 1 (1996) pp. 53-70.
Brady Mary Pat “The Contrapuntal Geographies of Woman Hollering Creek and Other Stories” American Literature, Vol. 71, No. 1. (Mar., 1999), pp. 117-150.
Marquez, Antonio “The American Dream in the Chicano Novel” Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature, Vol. 37, No. 1/2 (1983), pp. 4-19 Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association.
Kaup, Monika “The Architecture of Ethnicity in Chicano Literature” American Literature, Vol. 69, No. 2 (Jun., 1997), pp. 361-397 Duke University Press.

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